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fisrtDayOfWeek freezes schedule after clicking on datetimePicker

Aparently firstDayOfWeek attribute works as expected until dateTimePicker of the schedule header is clicked. It doesn't open the datePicker panel and all the page freezes.  
For reproducing the issue it is only needed :
<ejs-schedule firstDayOfWeek="1">ejs-schedule> 
Tested on Angular 7.2.7 with Angular CLI

In the other hand, the documentation says that when setting a locale it takes the first day of week of the locale, but this doesn't happen. If you set locale property of the schedule to "es" (spanish) it translates the text well, but doesn't change the first day of week to Monday.


3 Replies

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team March 1, 2019 03:47 AM UTC

Hi Martin,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

The firstDayOfWeek property is not defined correctly which is the cause. Kindly use the below code example to overcome the issue.



MA Martin March 1, 2019 04:30 PM UTC

Thank you Karthigeyan

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team March 4, 2019 03:27 AM UTC

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your update.


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