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Refreshing SfCarousel UI when a collection of SfCarouselItem changes in async method

When populating an ObservableCollection of SfCarouselItems (whose Item Content is set to a content view) in an async method, is there a way to refresh the SfCarousel UI in a content page ? 

Currently, once the SfCarousel UI is initialised, it does not refresh when the carousel collection changes. 

And there is no Refresh Command like in a ListView to reload the items.

How can I update my carousel items when the collection changes ? 

1 Reply

DR Dhanasekar R Syncfusion Team March 1, 2019 03:49 AM UTC

Hi Rubens, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
When dynamically adding the SCarousel item to the ObservableCollection, the carousel UI will be automatically get refreshed and it will be added to the item source property. Based on your requirement we have prepared the sample in which we will be adding a SfCarousel item to the ObservableCollection through a button click and we can able to see that the carousel UI get refreshed when the carousel item is added. Please have the sample from the below link.                             

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