Hello everyone. I'm wondering if any of you have had success saving charts immediately/near immediately after rendering them. I've tried several different methods, but no matter what I encounter an exception of some kind (usually an ArrayOutOfBounds from inside the SfChart when Save is called) and thus I have had to scrap an entire feature of our company's software.
Things I've tried:
1. Issuing a save in the OnLoaded callback for each chart.
2. Rendering and saving the charts using the Hwnd / RootVisual method for a clone of each chart.
3. Doing both of those while called in the main WPF UI thread (Application.Dispatcher.)
4. Putting manual waits (Task.Delay.Wait) after each attempted render.
Theories on what's wrong:
1. SyncFusion bug of some kind (such as waiting on some other update to properly render itself.)
2. I didn't properly put everything on the UI thread.
3. The callbacks preempted each other thus only the last chart was actually saved.
That's pretty much what I've figured out about this issue. If anyone else has tried or, better yet, succeeded in this task then please let me know what you did. If you have any other possible workarounds I'm all ears.
Thank you!