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Series is not clipped on a multi Y axis chart

Hello, on a chart with multiple Y axes, the series is not clipped to its chart row, i.e. it bleeds over onto the other chart rows.

Attached is an image explaining the issue and a sample.

Run the sample, click the "Zoom 3 days" button and scroll along the X axis. You will see the green series bleeding over onto the "Volume 1" Y axis. 

How can the green series be clipped to the "Price" Y axis?

Thank you.

Attachment: sfChartClipSeries_364347f6.rar

7 Replies

MK Muneesh Kumar G Syncfusion Team February 5, 2019 12:05 PM UTC

Hi Tom, 
Greetings, we have analyzed your sample and we found the problem occurs due to the incorrect range set for custom log axis. We have fixed the problem by setting exact range for log axis as per the below code snippet.  
Code snippet 
Public Class CustomLogarithmicYAxis 
    Inherits LogarithmicAxis 
    Public Sub ZoomY(visibleXRange As DoubleRange, area As SfChart) 
        Dim MinLogY, MaxLogY As Double 
        Dim Ymax, Ymin As Double 
        'GetExtremes(visibleXRange.Start, visibleXRange.End, Ymax, Ymin, area, Me) 
        Dim visibleXRangeMiddle As Integer = Math.Round(visibleXRange.Start + visibleXRange.Delta / 2) 
        Dim MiddleXRangePrice = MainWindow.BaseTicker.Minutes(visibleXRangeMiddle).Price 
        Dim YpercentRange As Integer = 50 
        Ymax = MiddleXRangePrice * (1 + (YpercentRange / 2) / 100) 
        Ymin = MiddleXRangePrice * (1 - (YpercentRange / 2) / 100) 
        MinLogY = Math.Floor(Math.Log(Ymin, LogBase)) 
        MaxLogY = Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(Ymax, LogBase)) 
        Me.VisibleRange = New DoubleRange(MinLogY, MaxLogY) 
        prevVisibleRange = Me.VisibleRange 
        '    Console.WriteLine("CustomLogarithmicYAxis " & Me.Name & "  ZoomY VisibleRange.Start " & Me.VisibleRange.Start & " VisibleRange.End " & Me.VisibleRange.End) 
    End Sub 
End Class 
Hope this helps you.  
Muneesh Kumar G.  

TO Tom February 5, 2019 12:35 PM UTC

Hi Muneesh, this does not solve the problem. If you run the sample with your fix, zoom to 3 days, and scroll from beginning to end you will see many places where the green series dips below the top chart row and into the the Volume 1 chart row. And besides, the MinLogY and MaxLogY values should not be rounded to integer values, that messes up the Y axis range.

MK Muneesh Kumar G Syncfusion Team February 7, 2019 10:31 AM UTC

Hi Tom, 
We have analyzed your requirement and we would like to inform you that currently we have rendered bitmap series by checking the x-axis range only, not considered y-axis range.  
However, you can achieve your requirement by using separate chart with upper series as like below code snippet.  
Code snippet 
                AreaBorderBrush="Blue"  Foreground="White" AreaBackground="#FF5B5343" AreaBorderThickness="0" 
            Padding="0" Margin="0,15,0,0"                      
        <chart:SfChart Grid.Row="1" 
                AreaBorderBrush="Blue"  Foreground="White" AreaBackground="#FF5B5343"  
                       AreaBorderThickness="0" Padding="0" Margin="0,0,0,15"                      
With SeriesPrice 
            .Name = NameOf(SeriesPrice) 
            .XBindingPath = NameOf(Minute.DateTime) 
            .YBindingPath = NameOf(Minute.Price) 
            .Interior = New SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0)) 
            .StrokeThickness = 1 
            .YAxis = YAxisPrice 
            .ItemsSource = TestColl.Tickers(0).Minutes 
        End With 
  Private Sub ActualRangeChanged(sender As Object, e As ActualRangeChangedEventArgs) Handles customDateTimeCategoryXAxis.ActualRangeChanged 
        customDateTimeCategoryXAxis1.ZoomFactor = customDateTimeCategoryXAxis.ZoomFactor 
        customDateTimeCategoryXAxis1.ZoomPosition = customDateTimeCategoryXAxis.ZoomPosition 
    End Sub 
    Private Sub ActualRangeChanged1(sender As Object, e As ActualRangeChangedEventArgs) Handles customDateTimeCategoryXAxis1.ActualRangeChanged 
        customDateTimeCategoryXAxis.ZoomPosition = customDateTimeCategoryXAxis1.ZoomPosition 
    End Sub 
We have merged two chart’s action by setting ZoomFactor and ZoomPosition for those two charts as same.  
We have modified your sample based on this, please find the sample from the following location.  
Muneesh Kumar G. 

TO Tom February 7, 2019 11:58 AM UTC

Hi Muneesh, thanks for looking into this. Unfortunately, although this solution solves the clipping issue, it has too many problems to be viable:

  • The scrolling is not smooth
  • The two charts are not synchronized properly
  • Difficult to implement the annotation chartrow axis which handles vertical annotations that need to overlap all chart rows on both charts
  • Greatly increased complexity having to manage two charts and the synchronization
  • Performance issues which are sure to arise for large data

Could you please improve the SfChart functionality to be able to handle the clipping issue for the Y axis range (for multiple Y axes as in this situation)? 

SR Samuel Rajadurai Edwin Rajamanickam Syncfusion Team February 8, 2019 12:36 PM UTC

Hi Tom, 
We have analyzed your requirements and satisfied them by rendering the series in the partitioned chart area. This rendering can be achieved by extending the FastStepLineBitmapSegment. 
The following code snippet and sample demonstrates the process. 
Code Snippet: 
Extending FastStepLineBitmapSeries 
Public Class FastSteplineBitmapSeriesExt 
    Inherits FastStepLineBitmapSeries 
    Private customSegment As CustomFastStepLineBitmapSegment     
    Public Overrides Sub CreateSegments() 
        If customSegment Is Nothing And Segments.Count = 0 Then 
            customSegment = New CustomFastStepLineBitmapSegment(ActualXValues, YValues, Me) 
        ElseIf (ActualXValues IsNot Nothing) Then 
            customSegment.SetData(xValues, YValues) 
            customSegment.Item = ActualData 
            GetType(FastStepLineBitmapSegment).GetMethod("SetRange", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod OrElse BindingFlags.Instance OrElse BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(customSegment, Nothing) 
        End If 
    End Sub 
End Class 
Extending FastStepLineBitmapSegment 

Public Class CustomFastStepLineBitmapSegment 
    Inherits FastStepLineBitmapSegment 

    Public Overrides Sub Update(transformer As IChartTransformer) 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub UpdateVisual() 
    ' Checking the rendering pixel for its bounds. 
    Dim isInsideBound = series.Clip.Bounds.Contains(New Point(xStart, yStart)) And series.Clip.Bounds.Contains(New Point(xEnd, yEnd)) 
    If isInsideBound Then 
    ' Render the series. 
    End Sub 


Output Screenshot: 

TO Tom February 9, 2019 11:09 AM UTC

Thank you, Samuel, this code is very useful. I've modified it to include accurate clipping, handle regenerating source data and improve performance. Actually, the scrolling performance is now better than it was originally, so the issue has been fully resolved. I've attached the updated sample for those who are interested. 

Caveat: this only works for a single pixel wide series thickness.

Attachment: sfChartClipSeries2_94af26fd.rar

MK Muneesh Kumar G Syncfusion Team February 11, 2019 04:41 AM UTC

Hi Tom,  
Glad that the issue has been resolved and please get back to us if you need any other assistance.  
Muneesh Kumar G. 

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