I want to filter my data by some properties, so I use ejQuery's where clause to do it. Like this:
me.query = new ej.Query().where(new ej.Predicate("prod_order_reference", ej.FilterOperators.contains, $('#filterHighlightTextOp').val(), true)
.or("item_reference", ej.FilterOperators.contains, $('#filterHighlightTextOp').val(), true)
.or("item_name", ej.FilterOperators.contains, $('#filterHighlightTextOp').val(), true)
.or("customer", ej.FilterOperators.contains, $('#filterHighlightTextOp').val(), true)
.or("sale_order", ej.FilterOperators.contains, $('#filterHighlightTextOp').val(), true));
Doing it this way it only filters the first level of the data structure, but it doesn't filter the subtasks of a task.
For example, in the ej.Predicate, it first check the if "prod_order_reference" property contains a value. I want to check this in the parent task and in every child subtask, but it does only in the parent one.
How could I do this?