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Hiden columns after all column view again auto hide

In SFDATAGRID, Grid Data If I have four columns i.e. COL A, COL B, COL C and COL D.

Column C Hide with Cursor movement in header from right to left. After that All Column View done (Button selected with All column function). Here All four column will show, but after this If we Drag any column except  Column C to Drag area, then Column C was hide automatically in SGDATAGRID data.

Query 1 : First Hide the Column and after that all column view command, while drag any column in data list it shows columns with but previous hidden columns are again hide.


Query 2 : Instead of Drag Column, if we refresh the data, it is again hide the previous hidden column instead of all column view

Please check it and do the needful.


1 Reply

JN Jayaleshwari N Syncfusion Team January 11, 2019 07:12 AM UTC

Hi Deepak, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 
We have checked the reported queries from our side. We have created a simple sample to replicate your scenario and unfortunately the reported issue does not reproduced at our end. 
We have attached the tested sample for your reference and you can download the same form the following location. 
We are little bit unclear with the information you have provided about the button click operation performed after hiding a column. Could you please share more details about the operations you have done in the button click to unhide the hidden columns or the video that illustrate the reported issue which would be better to provide the appropriate solution at earlier as possible. 
Jayaleshwari N 

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