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Menu elements customization

I'm trying to develop a menu for my site and I'd like to apply some customization to the menu elements.
The most important one is the alignment (right) but Id also like to change color or font.
Can I also define the controller, action and parameters instead of the url?

3 Replies

SI Silambarasan I Syncfusion Team January 3, 2019 04:10 PM UTC

Hi Toni, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
Query #1:  Alignment (right) but Id also like to change color or font. 
We have checked your reported requirement to change color or font and it can be achievable in our EJ2 Menu by using the ‘cssClass’ property. By using cssClass, we can apply color and font style for menu elements as like as below. 
   <ejs-menu id="menu" cssClass="customCss" items="ViewBag.data" fields="ViewBag.menuFields" select="onSelect"></ejs-menu> 
.customCss ul.e-menu { 
    font-style: italic; 
    color: blue; 
Before we proceed further, we would like to know whether you want to align the Menu in right side of your page or you want render menu in right to left direction. 
Query #2 : Can I also define the controller, action and parameters instead of the url? 
Yes, your requirement can be achievable in our EJ2 Menu by setting the action, parameter, and controller argument in the Menu datasource and navigate to particular action by using ‘select’ client-side event as like as below.  
   <ejs-menu id="menu" cssClass="customCss" items="ViewBag.data" fields="ViewBag.menuFields" select="onSelect"></ejs-menu> 
function onSelect(args) { 
    if (args.item.action) 
        window.location.rel='nofollow' href = window.location.rel='nofollow' href + "/" + args.item.controller + "/"+args.item.action + "?name=" + args.item.parameter; // Set the URL 
   List<object> data = new List<object>() { 
    new { 
        header = "Events", 
        subItems = new List<object>() { 
            new { text= "Conferences", action = "conference", parameter = "conferenceName", controller = "Home"}, 
            new { text= "Music", action = "music", parameter = "instrumentName", controller = "Home" }, 
            new { text= "Workshops" } 
    // .. 
For your convenience, we have prepared a sample to demonstrate your scenario (check with sub items from Events menu item). Please find the link below. 
Demo sample: 
Local sample: 
Could you please check the above sample & links and get back to us if we misunderstood your requirement or if you need any further assistance on this? 

TO Toni January 4, 2019 12:15 AM UTC

Hi Silambarasan, thanks for your answers.
None of those options for question #1 are what I was looking for... I'm sorry if I didn't explain enough.
Here's a typical sample menu when you create a solution in Visual Studio:

As you can see, in the menu there are elements that are aligned to the left and others that are aligned to the right. You can also see how the home menu option has a different font color and weight. 
This is what I wanted to do.
In fact, your Toolbar control have the chance to custimize the elements in the way I was expecting.... but it seems to have only one menu control as child.

And, finally, for question #2, I'm ok with your answer.
Thanks again

SI Silambarasan I Syncfusion Team January 5, 2019 08:42 AM UTC

Hi Toni, 
Thank you for your update. 
We would like to let you know that your requirement has been achievable by using ‘template’ property in Menu component. Please refer the below hosted demo sample and local sample. 
Hosted demo sample: 
Local sample: 
Could you please check the above sample and get back to us with more information if your requirement is not fulfilled or need further assistance on this? 

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