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NumericalAxis Minimum and Maximum Binding Crash

I have a secondary axis that is has binding to the minimum and maximum value as shown below.  The whole thing will crash.  I have changed the variable from int to float.  Appearently it works with double,  is this a bug ? 

public int YAxisMin=0;
public int YAxisMax=300;


                        <chart:NumericalAxis Minimum="{Binding YAxisMin}" Maximum="{Binding YAxisMax}">
                                <chart:ChartAxisTitle  Margin="0" BorderWidth="0"  Text="Pressure mmHg"  />


1 Reply

MP Michael Prabhu M Syncfusion Team December 12, 2018 05:15 AM UTC

Hi Albert, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. We have validated your issue and we would like to let you know that, Minimum and Maximum properties are of type double nullable (double?). So, you can directly set integer values to these properties in code behind, but you can’t bind the integer values. It’s a framework level restriction. So, we suggest you to use double values to bind the Minimum and Maximum properties. 
Hope this helps. 

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