Hi Velkumar,Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.Query 1: In your examples, some case I seen ej-grid and some where ejs-grid - which is the right one for Angular 7?You can use the ejs-grid for using Angular 7 platform and ejs-grid is the next generation product. Essential JS 2 is fully re-written to be modular, responsive and lightweight.
Refer the following documentation for getting started with angular platform.
Query 2: How to i enable pagination, searching and sortingWe have already discuss about above mention queries in the following documentations.Query 3: I'm facing out of memory exception while talking build in PROD env.Before proceeding to your query please provide the following details for better assistance.
- Reported issue occur after the grid packages are installed or before itself ?
- What are the features are that you have enabled in Grid ?
- Share the complete Grid code example.
Regards,Thavasianand S.
<ejs-grid [dataSource]='data' (queryCellInfo)='queryCellInfo($event)' [allowPaging]="true" [allowSorting]="true" [pageSettings]="pageSettings"
[enablePersistence]='true' [searchSettings]='searchOptions' [toolbar]='toolbarOptions' >
<e-column field='Freight' headerText='Freight' textAlign='Right' format='C2' width=90></e-column>
queryCellInfo(args) {
if(args.column.field === 'Freight'){
let dollar= args.cell.innerText.slice(0,1);
let freight = args.cell.innerText.substring(1);
args.cell.innerHTML = `<span style='color: #ff0000'>${dollar}</span>${freight}`;