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MouseControllerDispatcher prob

I was just adding a splitter to a screen when for no obvious reason the MouseControllerDispatcher is empty. i ran the two in a file compare and dont see the problem. attached are the before and after splitter. private void Form21_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.gridGroupingControl1.TableOptions.ListBoxSelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiExtended; GridSelectCellsMouseController controller = null; foreach (IMouseController mc in this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl.MouseControllerDispatcher) { if (mc is GridSelectCellsMouseController) { controller = mc as GridSelectCellsMouseController; } } if (controller != null) { this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl.MouseControllerDispatcher.Remove(controller); this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl.MouseControllerDispatcher.Add(new MyGridSelectCellsMouseController(this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl)); } badmouse_7414.zip

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 17, 2004 05:21 PM UTC

looks like being in a panel causes these problems, but i need the panel for the splitter to work properly, any suggestions? tia

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 18, 2004 06:56 AM UTC

Try calling this.gridGroupingControl1.TableControl.Initialize(); after the call to InitializeComponent() in the form''s constructor.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 18, 2004 10:16 AM UTC

thanks, if i put there i get the following exception: An unhandled exception of type ''System.ArgumentException'' occurred in system.windows.forms.dll Additional information: ''-3227'' is not a valid value for ''LargeChange''. ''LargeChange'' must be greater than or equal to 0. but if i move it to form_load it works. ats good!

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