Thanks a lot!
>One way you might be able to work around this problem is to commit the changes in CurrentCellCloseDropDown, athen do an ''invisible'' collapse/expand call on the node.
>private void gridChild_CurrentCellCloseDropDown(object sender, PopupClosedEventArgs e)
> GridCurrentCell cc = this.gridChild.CurrentCell;
> GridBoundRecordState rs = this.gridBinder.GetRecordStateAtRowIndex(cc.RowIndex);
> if(rs.LevelIndex == 0)
> {
> this.gridChild.BeginUpdate();
> cc.EndEdit();
> this.gridBinder.EndEdit();
> if(this.gridChild.IsExpandedAtRowIndex(cc.RowIndex))
> {
> this.gridChild.CollapseAtRowIndex(cc.RowIndex);
> this.gridChild.ExpandAtRowIndex(cc.RowIndex);
> }
> cc.MoveTo(cc.RowIndex, cc.ColIndex, GridSetCurrentCellOptions.SetFocus);
> this.gridChild.EndUpdate();
> }