We have ARIALUNI.TTF installed on the machine.
Is this the font the pdf conversion requires?
I am using .Net 6 and run on Linux. How to preserve the Chinese Character?
Hi Wilton,
performing Word to PDF conversion in Linux, if the necessary fonts not
installed in the environment, Essential DocIO uses the ”DejaVuSans” as default
font for rendering the text. So, it preserves the contents with alternate
fonts, and it doesn’t contain glyphs for Chinese characters. So, we suggest you
to install the necessary fonts in the Linux environment in order to preserve
the fonts in the generated PDF properly.
Refer below link to how to install necessary fonts in Linux containers,
Refer below link to how to copy necessary fonts in Linux containers,
We have attached the example sample application to install necessary fonts in
Linux containers and it can be downloaded from below link,
If you face difficulties to install the font in
Linux environment, by having list of fonts in some folder, we suggest you use
font substitution event to set the fonts for which is missing in production
Using SubstituteFont event, you can identify the missed font and set
the font stream during Word to PDF conversion. To know more about font substitution, please refer our
documentation from the below link.
Otherwise, if Word document is docx format, we suggest you to embedding
the necessary fonts in the input Word document using Microsoft Word
application as like below and then convert this Word document to PDF using