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Starting in 2019, the Reporting control is no longer included in Essential Studio®. If you're experiencing issues with the Syncfusion Reporting Platform, Report Viewer, Report Designer, or Report Writer, we recommend migrating to Bold Reports, our dedicated reporting platform.

Bold Reports offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features for all your reporting needs, and we will help you make a smooth transition from the discontinued control. Our support team at https://support.boldreports.com/ is here to assist you with any questions or difficulties you may encounter during the migration process.

We thank you for choosing Syncfusion and appreciate your understanding.

Show column names on all pages


On the following page is the "Conditional Formatting" report: http://mvc.syncfusion.com/demos/web/reportviewer/conditionalformatting.
This report has the columns with the following names: Order Id, Order Date, Product Name, Quantity, Unit Price, Discount, and Price

When the page of this report changes, column names continue to appear on the next page.
I created a report where column names do not appear when I change the page.

How can my report show column names on all pages?
My report file is rdlc.


3 Replies

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team August 25, 2017 07:18 AM UTC

Hi Carlos, 
Thanks for Your interest in Syncfusion Components. 
We have to set “Repeat on Each page” as true for static tablix row in the grouping pane by enabling the advanced mode to repeat the static header in each page. Please refer the following MSDN link for applying repeat header option. 
Also, please refer the below screenshot. 

Vinoth S. 

CJ Carlos Junior August 25, 2017 04:13 PM UTC

Hi Vinoth,
In my Syncfusion ReportDesigner there is no "RepeatOnNewPage" option in Tablix properties, as shown in the attached image.
I set the "RepeatColumnHeaders" property to true, but
the column names still do not appear on the other pages of my report.
How do I set the "Row Groups" property in my Syncfusion ReportDesigner?


Attachment: repeatColumn_9f4e0fe1.rar

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team August 28, 2017 06:43 AM UTC

Hi Carlos, 
You can changes the row and column groups properties in Group Properties Dialog and static headers that are not associated with a group, need to be changed in Group Panel Advanced mode, so set “Repeat on Each page” as true for static tablix row in the grouping pane by enabling the advanced mode to repeat the static header in each page. We have prepared a video based on this and it can be downloaded from the below location. 
Vinoth S. 

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