I'm having difficulty using the CancelTextSearchCommand in the SfPdfViewer control. I'm currently using the code provided in https://help.syncfusion.com/xamarin/sfpdfviewer/search-for-text-instance#how-to-cancel-text-search I only change the image name. The button shows up (as does the search button). However it doesn't un-highlight the text when pressed. Here is a copy of my implementation.
In xaml
<Button x:Name="cancelSearchButton" Grid.Column="3" BackgroundColor="Black" Image="infoicon.png" HorizontalOptions="Start" VerticalOptions="Center" Command="{Binding CancelTextSearchCommand, Source={x:Reference Name=pdfViewerControl}}"/>
In View Model (binding context)
public LinkedCommand CancelTextSearchCommand { get { return _cancelTextSearchCommand ?? (_cancelTextSearchCommand = new LinkedCommand(Mediator, (e) =>
ExecuteCancelTextSearchCommand(e))); } }
public void ExecuteCancelTextSearchCommand(object param) { }
Thoughts and comments very welcome!