I would like to be able to programmatically turn on / off overlay on specific tab content with spinner and text. Basically a simple busy indicator with overlay which prevents user for clicking anything in tab while busy. Couldn't find anything in documention, so checked in sample and found - splash. How can I use it for my purpose?
In my sample, as you see problem is that there occurs gap because of 'splash' class. Moreover, I would like to message and spinnger to be shown on top and in center of my content. Well, it's common sense I guess :)
Any tips?
#myTabPanelContentContainer - is container for @ViewChild with which help I'm adding content.
Source code:
<ul><li><a rel='nofollow' href="#myTabPanelContent0">Home</a></li></ul>
<div id="myTabPanelContent0" style="border: none;">
<div [ngClass]="{'splash': isOverlayShown}" >
<div *ngIf="isOverlayShown" class="message">Loading... </div>
<div *ngIf="isOverlayShown" class="spinner"></div>
<div [ngClass]="{'myTabAdditionalOverlay': isOverlayShown, 'e-overlay': isOverlayShown}" >
<div #myTabPanelContentContainer></div>