Query |
Solution |
first thing I am not aware about the DB Structure for the Control, how it stores the data how to retrieve it back (CRUD Operations). |
By default, Schedule control does not have the direct support to bind the data from DB. If you want to generate the appointment based on the DB data, you can create the appointment based on the DB data using StartTime and EndTime property. Please refer to the below code example,
Code example
public static SimpleScheduleAppointmentList InitializeRandomData()
SimpleScheduleAppointmentList masterList = new SimpleScheduleAppointmentList();
DateTime now = DateTime.Now.Date;
for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
ScheduleAppointment item = masterList.NewScheduleAppointment() as ScheduleAppointment;
item.StartTime = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[i]["StartTime"];
item.EndTime = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[i]["EndTime"];
item.Subject = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Subject"];
item.Content = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Content"];
item.LabelValue = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[i]["LabelValue"]; masterList.Add(item);
SimpleScheduleDataProvider dataProvider = new SimpleScheduleDataProvider();
dataProvider.MasterList = SimpleScheduleDataProvider.InitializeRandomData();
scheduleControl1.DataSource = dataProvider;
Is there any way I can use the control with .Net Framework 4.0? |
Yes, ScheduleControl does have the support in .NetFrameWork 4.0 |
I want a customized screen which should pop up where you can write down the customer name(DropDown) and selected game they are going to play(DropDown) is there any way I can customize it. Rest of the details that is fine like start and end date,reminder color codes and etc. |
In order to create the custom AppointForm to add the appointments in ScheduleControl, you can use the ShowingAppointForm event to handle the default AppointMentForm. Please refer the below code example and the KB link,
Code example
this.scheduleControl1.ShowingAppointmentForm += scheduleControl1_ShowingAppointmentForm;
void scheduleControl1_ShowingAppointmentForm(object sender, ShowingAppointFormEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true;
//Shows the Custom appointment form.
KB link: https://www.syncfusion.com/kb/7105/how-to-add-the-appointments-using-custom-appointment-form
Please refer the below KB link to customize Label and Marker color,
Please refer the below UG link for more customization
I want to display only the current month on the left side navigation frame. |
In order to display the current month only in navigation frame, you can use the CalendarGrid.RowCount property. Please refer to the below code example ,
Code example
this.scheduleControl1.GetScheduleHost().Calendar.CalenderGrid.RowCount = 6;
Most of the times I will only use the Day based view of this control. |
In order to use the day view, you can use the ScheduleType property. Please refer to the below code example,
Code example
this.scheduleControl1.ScheduleType = ScheduleViewType.Day;
this.scheduleControl1.GetScheduleHost().SetDataToDayPanels(); |