I haven't been able to find what I'm looking for in terms of adding an image to a spreadsheet on loadComplete(args).
I tried utilizing code such as: this.XLEdit.updateCellValue({ rowIndex: 31, colIndex: 0 }, URL(new url, "../images/phLogo.png"));
to no
I've tried by utilizing a button in the spreadsheet via:
<e-cell-type range="A32">
<e-settings typeof="button" style="background-image: url('/images/phLogo.png')" datasourcerange="A32" class="none"></e-settings>
That class is being set by ej.spreadsheet.min.js and I'm trying to avoid going in and editing it because doing so is so resource intensive. Is there some other approach I can utilize? I'll also say that using the 2nd approach I do get a button that displays but it also displays the button name in 7 out of the next 10 or so cells in the A column.