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Data Binding


What data sources are supported by scheduler control? Please provide a sample application.


Mohit Saxena

1 Reply

AR Arulpriya Ramalingam Syncfusion Team July 24, 2017 01:09 PM UTC

Hi Mohit, 

Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 

The ScheduleControl supports the below dataSources. 

  • DataTable
  • SQL data source
  • Entity model
  • List
The data source for ScheduleControl can also be implemented using IScheduleAppointmentList or IScheduleAppointment interfaces. Please refer to the below UG link to know more about datasources which are supported by ScheduleControl

Dashboard sample: <Install Location>\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\<Product Version>\Windows\Schedule.Windows\Samples\Scheduler Demo\CS 

Sample with SQL data source: SQL_DataSource  


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