Hi Syncfusion Team
I'm using the treegrid to load the data from database as per below code, can you help me if want to capture the value when perform the row selected on the tree grid then set to the input / model / textboxfor
<ej-tree-grid id="TreeGridContainer" datasource="ViewBag.datasource" child-mapping="Children" tree-column-index="1"
allow-filtering="true" allow-sorting="true" begin-edit="BeginEdit" is-responsive="true">
<e-tree-grid-column field="DiagnosisPartCode" header-text="Diagnosis Code" allow-filtering="true" edit-type="String" width=45 />
<e-tree-grid-column field="Text" header-text="Diagnosis Name" edit-type="String" filter-edit-type="String" />
<e-tree-grid-size-settings width="100%" height="350px" />
<e-tree-grid-edit-settings allow-deleting="true"
edit-mode="CellEditing" />
Appreciate for your support.