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Custom appointment dialog with date-time-picker

Hi Support:

We need to create a custom dialog but using a ej-time-picker to select the time rather than using the ej-date-time-picker that embed date and time.

We need to do this because the ej-date-time-picker does not have a min-time and max time properties. 

Do you have a sample of how we can use the ej-date-picker and ej-time-picker in order to save at the end the appointtime datetime in one db field.

For example how we are going to combine the date a and time after a user provide these values.



1 Reply

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team June 12, 2017 07:04 AM UTC

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have prepared the sample to both Date and Time picker separately instead DateTime picker which can be download from the below location. 
Kindly refer the below code example used in the sample. 
function onAppointmentWindowOpen(args) { 
    args.cancel = true; 
    $("#StartDate").ejDatePicker({ value: ej.format(args.startTime, this._datepattern(), this.model.locale) }); 
    $("#EndDate").ejDatePicker({ value: ej.format(args.endTime, this._datepattern(), this.model.locale) }); 
    $("#StartTime").ejTimePicker({ value: ej.format(args.startTime, this._pattern.t, this.model.locale) }); 
    $("#EndTime").ejTimePicker({ value: ej.format(args.endTime, this._pattern.t, this.model.locale) }); 
    if (!ej.isNullOrUndefined(args.target)) { 
        if ($(args.target.currentTarget).hasClass("e-alldaycells") || this._allDay) { 
            $("#allday").prop("checked", true); 
            args.model.currentView == "month" ? $("#allday").prop("checked", true) : $("#allday").prop("checked", false); 
        $("#StartTime,#EndTime").ejTimePicker({ enabled: ($(args.target.currentTarget).hasClass("e-alldaycells") || $(args.target.currentTarget).hasClass("e-monthcells") || args.model.currentView == "month") ? false : true }); 
    if (!ej.isNullOrUndefined(args.appointment)) { 
        $("#StartDate").ejDatePicker({ value: ej.format(args.appointment.StartTime, this._datepattern(), this.model.locale) }); 
        $("#EndDate").ejDatePicker({ value: ej.format(args.appointment.EndTime, this._datepattern(), this.model.locale) }); 
        $("#StartTime").ejTimePicker({ value: ej.format(args.appointment.StartTime, this._pattern.t, this.model.locale) }); 
        $("#EndTime").ejTimePicker({ value: ej.format(args.appointment.EndTime, this._pattern.t, this.model.locale) }); 
        $("#allday").prop("checked", args.appointment.AllDay); 
        $("#recurrence").prop("checked", args.appointment.Recurrence); 
        if (args.appointment.Recurrence) { 
            $("tr.recurrence").css("display", "table-row"); 
    if (this._allDay) alldayCheck(); 


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