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HOW TO disable "Edit / Delete" Repeat appointment display mesagge

HI, im testing tthe control in order to implment on a javascript app and my goal is to control everything thru code not the default dialogs so
for add/edit delete on normal events im good the problem comes when its a recurrent event cause when I make double click on a recurrent event i get a dialog with the text

"How would you likle to change the appointment in the series" and 2 buttons "Only this appointment" and "Entire series"  even i im using all posible events to cancel this  both options appears always

how can i suppress them ?
its a bug  (i noticed that  events  "appointmentWindowOpen" or "actionBegin"  never run on this particular case) ?
Do i need to modify the source code  ?

Documentation is not very clear in this matter
any help is appreciated.
I tested this behavior on  version and version

4 Replies

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team June 5, 2017 05:17 AM UTC

Hi Carlos, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have prepared the sample to disable the alert window while editing/deleting the recurrence appointment which can be viewed from the below link. 
function onCreate(args) { // this function will be called during the initial load  
            if (ej.isNullOrUndefined(this._alertWindow) && ej.isNullOrUndefined(this._recurEditWindow)) { 
            this._alertWindow.ejDialog({ beforeOpen: "onBeforeOpen" }); 
            this._recurEditWindow.ejDialog({ beforeOpen: "onBeforeOpen" }); 
function onBeforeOpen(args) { 
            var obj = $("#Schedule1").data("ejSchedule") 
            $("#" + obj._id + "RecurrenceEdit_wrapper").addClass("csutom"); 
        .csutom { 
            display: none !important; 
While openeing an alert window, no event will be raised which is the default behavior. Its not a bug. 

CM carlos mendez June 6, 2017 12:01 AM UTC

HI, checking the code when i double click a recurring event the dialog not appears
but i get a black screen on the top (semitrasparent layer/div) as if the modal was going to show up but the window/dialog does not appear
and i have to reload in order to keep working

CM carlos mendez June 6, 2017 12:47 AM UTC

HI , making a bit more of tests instead of  Line inside the function onBeforeOpen

$("#" + obj._id + "RecurrenceEdit_wrapper").addClass("csutom");

I replaced for   args.cancel=true;   and the dialog stopped from being shown

however it be cool if the  onAppointmentWindowOpen could cancel this behavior , checking the source code of schedule the event "onAppointmentWindowOpen" is implemented and works fine for NON recurrent events so the recurring events skip this event check up cause it seems the arguments to be passed to the event are way different.

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team June 6, 2017 04:53 AM UTC

Hi Carlos,  
Thanks for your update.  

If args.cancel is set to true in onBeforeOpen function, it will disable all the alert dialog, therefore kindly use the below code example to disable only the recurrence related alert dialog. 

function onBeforeOpen(args) { 
            if (args.model.title == "Edit Repeat Appointment") 
                args.cancel = true; 

When a non-recurrence appointment is deleted, alert dialog will be opened and no events will be raised at that time. Same procedure will be followed (alert will be opened first) while double clicking/deleting a recurrence appointment and currently no event will be raised for the alert dialog.  

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