Hi Shyam
Apologises for not replying to your port reply but i've found another issue when we try to do a production build with the userhandles plugged in. when we go to load the diagram we get an error of ej is not defined at run time. After investigating and determined that this is due to the way we are implementint the user handles for the diagram,
Here is a link to a sample project with the diagram and user handles plugged in. please download the zip named SampleWithDiagramUserHandles
Hi Shaym,
i've updated my app.module.ts to have the following
when we run ng serve --prod which will do the production build test for us and then try to load we still see the same issue.
Any ideas
Hi Shyam
please find an altered version of your sample which will reproduce when running ng serve --prod from the terminal
Please also note the only modification i made was in the app.module.ts changing the following
"import { EJ_DIAGRAM_COMPONENTS } from 'ej-angular2/';" was changed to the below
"import { EJ_DIAGRAM_COMPONENTS } from 'ej-angular2/src/ej/diagram.component';"
Before changing this and running an ng serve -- prod from the terminal i get the following error which is why we need to point to the component directly
ERROR in Type DiagramComponent in C:/Users/robert.williamson/Downloads/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles-832172903/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles/nod
e_modules/ej-angular2/src/ej/diagram.component.d.ts is part of the declarations of 2 modules: EJAngular2Module in C:/Users/robert.williamson/D
ownloads/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles-832172903/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles/node_modules/ej-angular2/src/index.d.ts and AppModule in C:/Users
/robert.williamson/Downloads/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles-832172903/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles/src/app/app.module.ts! Please consider moving
DiagramComponent in C:/Users/robert.williamson/Downloads/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles-832172903/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles/node_modules/ej-
angular2/src/ej/diagram.component.d.ts to a higher module that imports EJAngular2Module in C:/Users/robert.williamson/Downloads/SampleWithDiag
ramUserHandles-832172903/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles/node_modules/ej-angular2/src/index.d.ts and AppModule in C:/Users/robert.williamson/Down
loads/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles-832172903/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles/src/app/app.module.ts. You can also create a new NgModule that expor
ts and includes DiagramComponent in C:/Users/robert.williamson/Downloads/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles-832172903/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles/n
ode_modules/ej-angular2/src/ej/diagram.component.d.ts then import that NgModule in EJAngular2Module in C:/Users/robert.williamson/Downloads/Sa
mpleWithDiagramUserHandles-832172903/SampleWithDiagramUserHandles/node_modules/ej-angular2/src/index.d.ts and AppModule in C:/Users/robert.wil