Hi Vaughn,
To use Syncfusion Angular Components, we need dependencies Syncfusion-JavaScript, Jquery and Jsrender. So we suspect that the issue ERROR TypeError: $(...)[("ej" + this.controlName)] is not a function, due to Syncfusion-Javascript dependencies are not registered while importing ej-angular2 package.
The recent version of Syncfusion Angular components supports module loading. So no need to refer Syncfusion JavaScript widget files separately. The Syncfusion JavaScript dependencies will be loaded while importing EJAngular2Module from ej-angular2 package. Also refer jquery and jsrender dependencies in polyfills.ts file. Refer to the below code snippet.
. . .
. . .
import 'zone.js/dist/zone'; // Included with Angular CLI.
import * as jquery from 'jquery';
window['jQuery'] = jquery;
window['$'] = jquery;
. . . |
For your convenience we have prepared angular-cli sample to render ejGridComponent. Refer to the below link for sample.
Refer to the below documentation link for getting started with AngularCLI application with Syncfusion Angular Components
Please let us know If you need further assistance on this.