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Is it possible custom query dynamically to get reports?


Is it possible to use custom query dynamically to get custom reports? Outside the designer. Thanks

5 Replies

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team May 3, 2017 11:59 AM UTC

Hi Handoyo, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 
If your requirement is to update or modify the dataset query and populate the data for report, then you can use expression in dataset query or use parameter value as input to the dataset command text. Also dataset tag in report file can be edited at code behind as given in the below knowledge base. 
If we have misunderstood your requirement, please share more details on your requirement. 
Vinoth S. 

HA handoyo May 3, 2017 12:14 PM UTC

Hi, my first mistake was not saying that i'm intending to use the report in WinForm. Seems likely the report doesn't work on WinForm isn't it?

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team May 4, 2017 12:24 PM UTC

Hi Handoyo, 

Currently, our reporting control is not available in WindowsForms platform. However, you can use WPF reporting control in Windows Forms using ElementHost control. We have prepared a sample to render reports in reporting control and it can be downloaded from the following location. 

Refer to the below MSDN link for more details on Element Host control.

Vinoth S. 

HA handoyo May 16, 2017 08:07 AM UTC

Thanks for the sample. I will look at it.

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team May 18, 2017 04:05 AM UTC

Hi Handoyo, 

Thanks for your update. We will wait to hear from you. 

Vinoth S. 

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