I found an issue with the Syncfusion.Windows.Shared.MaskedTextbox control. For some reason and in certain circumstances it lost the set mask.
I got the following declaration of the control in XAML:
<Syncfusion:MaskedTextBox Style="{StaticResource MetroTextBox}" Mask="00/00/0000" Text="{Binding Path=FechaTratamiento, StringFormat={}{0:d}, ConverterCulture='es-es'}"/>
The property "FechaTratamiento" to which the control is binded is a nullable DateTime.
If on the control I type the date 00/00/0000 and then remove it, the mask part of the last for digits dissapear from the control, not allowing to type a correct value after that (see the images).
Not only happend with the date 00/00/0000 as obviously is an invalid date but is the easier to check that the bug is there.
I'm using now the SfMaskEdit control that seems doesn't have this behavior but thought should make you aware of this bug.