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SfChart dll size for iOS

Hello, I am using the SfChart component in an Xamarin Forms application. As I was building a release for deployment, I realized that the iOS version has doubled in size. It is showing me that the install size will be 127 mb as compared to 62 mb before. The android version didn't change much although I am using the chart component there too. I noticed that the dll for iOS itself is quite large (70 mb).  I am concerned that users wouldn't be able to download it on a cellular network with that size. Is this expected to be this way? Do you have any suggestions to reduce this size? I only have one chart in our application.

9 Replies

SP Saravana Pandian Murugan Syncfusion Team April 21, 2017 05:11 PM UTC

Hi Pawan,

Thanks for using Syncfusion products.

You can change linking option to SDK Assemblies only to resolve this.

Steps to change linking option:

Properties -> iOS Build -> General -> Linker Options -> Linker behavior -> Link Framework SDks only.

Please refer the following link for more details.

iOS Linker: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/advanced_topics/linker/  

Please get back to us if you need further assistance.

Saravana Pandian M. 

PJ Pawan Jindal April 21, 2017 06:10 PM UTC

Hi Saravana,

I am already using that option. I decompressed the IPA file to check. It has the Syncfusion.SfChart.iOs.dll which is 72mb.

SP Saravana Pandian Murugan Syncfusion Team April 25, 2017 05:57 PM UTC

Hi Pawan, 
Thanks for the update. Please find the different testing scenarios below with the attached sample application. 
S. No  
ipa file size 
Install app size 
With Chart 
Don`t Link  - 38.2 MB 
Link Framework sdk`s -  15.7 MB 
Don`t Link  - 142 MB 
Link Framework sdk`s -  42.1 MB 
Without Chart 
Don`t Link  -  34.7 MB 
Link Framework sdk`s – 11.2 MB 
Don`t Link  - 128 MB 
Link Framework sdk`s -  37 MB 
So by default, the final application size is always higher than the actual ipa size irrespective of whether SfChart assemblies are included or not. Also, we could notice that there are no much differences in ipa with and without SfChart assemblies (refer the above table). We kindly request you to confirm whether the increase in size is solely because of SfChart. 
Please let us know if you need further assistance on this. 
Saravana Pandian M 

PJ Pawan Jindal April 25, 2017 07:06 PM UTC

Hi Saravana,

 I have the same settings as this project but the sfchart is included in the IPA.Can you share the IPA file that was created for you for this project? I can compare the files and their sizes with my project.

SP Saravana Pandian Murugan Syncfusion Team April 27, 2017 02:00 PM UTC

Hi Pawan,

We have attached the IPA file of the sample which we provided in our previous update.

IPA file: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/130063/ze/IPA_File-634075765

Note: This IPA file is generated with Link Framework SDks only linking option.

Please get back to us if you need further assistance on this.

Saravana Pandian M.

PJ Pawan Jindal May 5, 2017 12:59 PM UTC

Hi Saravana, thank you so much for sharing that IPA. I was able to resolve the issue.


SP Saravana Pandian Murugan Syncfusion Team May 8, 2017 07:11 AM UTC

Hi Pawan,

Thanks for the update. Please get back to us if you need further assistance.

Saravana Pandian M.

MS Michal Severin September 15, 2017 11:36 AM UTC


we have same problem. The size of the application in Store is about 150MB.

Even if we select the option:  Link Framework SDks only. (without it was about 300MB)

Is possible to get little application with Syncfusion Graphs? 

On Android the size is about 10MB.

Thank you!


PS Parthiban Sundaram Syncfusion Team September 18, 2017 01:29 PM UTC

Hi Michal,

As per your requirement, we have created a simple application with our Chart control and the size of the iPA is about 43 MB. Please download the sample from below location.

Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/130063/ze/Archive1958533933  

Please let us know, if you need further assistance on this.

Parthiban S

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