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Data values

Anyone knows how to use doubles for both axis on SfChart ?
The documentation example only works for integers or categories.

ObservableArrayList HighTemperature = new ObservableArrayList;

     HighTemperature.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jan", 42));
     HighTemperature.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jan", 3.03));

I can't replace "Jan" for a double, only for an integer.


6 Replies

SP Saravana Pandian Murugan Syncfusion Team April 6, 2017 11:18 AM UTC

Hi Yuri,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

We can able to achieve your requirement by using the NumericalAxis as PrimaryAxis. Please refer the below help document for more details.

UG Link: https://help.syncfusion.com/xamarin/sfchart/axis#numeric-axis

We have prepared a sample as per your requirement which can be downloaded from the below location.

Sample: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/125289/ze/ChartSample1851947751

Please let us know if you have any concerns.

Saravana Pandian M.

YU Yuri April 6, 2017 02:20 PM UTC

Thanks for replying so quick !
Problem solved.

SP Saravana Pandian Murugan Syncfusion Team April 7, 2017 01:07 PM UTC

Hi Michal,

Thanks for the update.

Yes. It will work fine in actual devices without any issues. Please let us know if you have any concerns.

Saravana Pandian M. 

SP Saravana Pandian Murugan Syncfusion Team April 7, 2017 05:30 PM UTC

Hi Yuri,

Please ignore the previous update. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Thanks for the update. We are glad to know that the given solution works. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Saravana Pandian M. 

YU Yuri July 1, 2017 03:10 PM UTC

One more thing, considering that the chart is set as the activity's view, is there any other way of updating the chart without reloading the activity ? and how could I insert other visual components in the same activity. 


SP Saravana Pandian Murugan Syncfusion Team July 3, 2017 12:37 PM UTC

Hi Yuri,

Regarding “Is there any other way of updating the chart without reloading the activity?”,

You can add/remove/insert the datas to ObservableArrayList without reloading the entire activity.

Regarding “How could I insert other visual components in the same activity”,

We have added another view in the layout which already has SfChart. We have attached the sample for your reference which can be downloaded from the below location.

Sample: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/131265/ze/Fragment_Chart_Sample-605397497

Please check the sample and let us know if you need further assistance on this.

Saravana Pandian M.

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