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Community edition not working

All controls all your products are very bad and with a lot of bugs
Even this form to post a thread is full of bugs

1 Reply

PO Prince Oliver Syncfusion Team April 5, 2017 07:32 AM UTC

Hi Elfigha,    
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support,    
Query 1: All controls all your products are very bad and with a lot of bugs   
Can you please provide an additional information regarding the issue you are facing in our controls?   
Please provide information like controls and platform in which you are facing issue, issue screenshots or samples. It will help us isolate the root cause and provide solution.    
Query 2: Even this form to post a thread is full of bugs    
Sorry for the inconvenience,    
Please let us know the exact problem your facing in forum post, it will help to resolve the problem ASAP.    

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