How can you increase the height of each row with the HeatMap? I was unable to find documentation for this. Here is the code that I am using
HeatMapProperties Heatmap = new HeatMapProperties();
List<HeatMapColorMapping> colorCollection = new List<HeatMapColorMapping>();
colorCollection.Add(new HeatMapColorMapping() { Color = "#8ec8f8", Label = new HeatMapLabel() { Text = "0" }, Value = 0 });
colorCollection.Add(new HeatMapColorMapping() { Color = "#0d47a1", Label = new HeatMapLabel() { Text = "100" }, Value = 100 });
Heatmap.ColorMappingCollection = colorCollection;
Heatmap.Width = "100%";
Heatmap.Height = "auto";
CellMapping CellMapping = new CellMapping();
CellMapping.Column = new PropertyMapping() { PropertyName = "DayName", DisplayName = "Day" };
CellMapping.Row = new PropertyMapping() { PropertyName = "Year", DisplayName = "Year" };
CellMapping.Value = new PropertyMapping() { PropertyName = "Value" };
Collection columnMapping = new Collection();
columnMapping.Add(new HeaderMapping() { PropertyName = "Monday", DisplayName = "Monday" });
columnMapping.Add(new HeaderMapping() { PropertyName = "Tuesday", DisplayName = "Tuesday" });
columnMapping.Add(new HeaderMapping() { PropertyName = "Wednesday", DisplayName = "Wednesday" });
columnMapping.Add(new HeaderMapping() { PropertyName = "Friday", DisplayName = "Friday" });
columnMapping.Add(new HeaderMapping() { PropertyName = "Saturday", DisplayName = "Saturday" });
columnMapping.Add(new HeaderMapping() { PropertyName = "Sunday", DisplayName = "Sunday" });
CellMapping.ColumnMapping = columnMapping;
HeaderMapping headerMapping = new HeaderMapping() { PropertyName = "Year", DisplayName = "Year", ColumnStyle = new ColumnStyle() { Width = 105, TextAlign = HeatMapTextAlign.Right } };
CellMapping.HeaderMapping = headerMapping;
Heatmap.ItemsSource = collection;
Heatmap.ItemsMapping = CellMapping;
Heatmap.IsResponsive = true;
ViewData["HeatMapModel"] = Heatmap;
HeatMapLegendProperties legend = new HeatMapLegendProperties();
legend.ColorMappingCollection = colorCollection;
legend.Orientation = HeatMapLegendOrientation.Horizontal;
legend.LegendMode = Syncfusion.JavaScript.DataVisualization.HeatMapEnums.HeatMapLegendMode.Gradient;
legend.Height = "50px";
legend.Width = "75%";
legend.IsResponsive = true;
ViewData["HeatMapLegendModel"] = legend;
Thank You.