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Edit a card


how I can have the selected card to update his data with the function updateCard ?

1 Reply

SK Sarath Kumar P Syncfusion Team February 16, 2017 01:09 PM UTC

Hi Cholet, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
You can update selected card with the help of ".e-cardselection" class(added to the selected card) using UpdateCard() method. Refer to the below codes. 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
            function updateSelectedCard(){ 
                var kObj = $("#Kanban").data("ejKanban"), selectedCard, selectedCardData, selectedCardId; 
                //You can get the selected card using ".e-cardselection" class. 
                selectedCard = kObj.element.find('.e-cardselection'); 
                selectedCardId = selectedCard.attr('id'); 
                //get selected card data using getCurrentJsonData() method. 
                selectedCardData = new ej.DataManager(kObj.getCurrentJsonData()).executeLocal(new ej.Query().where(kObj.model.fields.primaryKey, ej.FilterOperators.equal, selectedCardId)); 
                selectedCardData[0].Summary = "Updated data of selected card with id " + selectedCardId; 
                //Update selected card data using updateCard() method. 
                kObj.updateCard(selectedCardId, selectedCardData[0]); 
We have prepared a sample for this. 
Sarath Kumar P.      

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