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change a single bar''s color in one series

How can I change the bar color in one series?

for an example, one series got 10 points, and have 10 bars in the chart with green color. I would like to change one bar color to red color.

3 Replies

MA Manohari Syncfusion Team May 26, 2008 05:31 PM UTC

Hi BS,

It is possible to set different colors to the Columns in a series by two ways:

1. Using the Series.Styles[index]:

For example, if a Series contains 3 Columns/Bar, each column/Bar can be set different colors using Styles property of the series as follows.

Series.Styles[0].Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.Blue);
Series.Styles[1].Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.Green);
Series.Styles[2].Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.Red);

Please refer to following sample that illustrates the same.

Sample 1

2. Using PrepareStyle event:

Please refer to the following link for more information on this event.


I have attached a sample illustrating the same in the below link.

Sample 2

Please let me know if you need any other informtaion.

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products.


ZP Zoeb Patrawala January 27, 2017 09:20 AM UTC


May I know if this can also be achieved in Xamarin.iOS?



LR Lakshmi Radha Krishnan Syncfusion Team January 31, 2017 03:48 AM UTC

Hi Customer, 
Thanks for contacting syncfusion support.

We have achieved your requirement by using SelectedDataPointColor property. Please downloaded the sample from the following location.

Sample : http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/128568/ze/BarChart11976996601
Another way to set color for the segments by using ColorModel property and we can able to set different colour for each segments.Please download the sample from the following location.

Sample :  http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/128568/ze/BarChart1_2-423569874 
Lakshmi R. 

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