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Coordenates X Y in a textnode


I need to know, when I move a textnode with a keyboard or a mouse event, its coordenates X and Y. Its so important for me to know the correct coordenates because I save them in an .xml document that I use for configurate a display in a PLC.

I used an event :

void EventSink_NodeDoubleClick(NodeMouseEventArgs evtArgs)

Node node = evtArgs.Node;

 int valorX = (int)node.PinPoint.X - (int)node.PinPointOffset.Width;
 int valorY = (int)node.PinPoint.Y - (int)node.PinPointOffset.Height;

But if I try to get the coordenates in a diagram1_mousedown:

private void diagram1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

(Node)this.diagram1.Controller.GetNodeUnderMouse(new Point(e.X, e.Y))

int valorX = (int)node.PinPoint.X - (int)node.PinPointOffset.Width;
 int valorY = (int)node.PinPoint.Y - (int)node.PinPointOffset.Height;

I don't get the same values!! Could you help me??

1 Reply

NG Naganathan Ganesh Babu Syncfusion Team January 27, 2017 06:58 AM UTC

Hi Blanca, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have created a simple sample to achieve your requirement. We suggest you to use Diagram.Model.EventSink’s “PinpointChanging/PinpointChanged” events and Node’s “BoundingRectangle” property to get the node’s coordinates value while performing the drag/drop operation using mouse/keyboard. Please refer to the below sample and code example. 
Code example: 
diagram1.Model.EventSink.PinPointChanged += new PinPointChangedEventHandler(EventSink_PinPointChanged); 
diagram1.Model.EventSink.PinPointChanging += new PinPointChangingEventHandler(EventSink_PinPointChanging); 
void EventSink_PinPointChanging(PinPointChangingEventArgs evtArgs) 
Node node = evtArgs.NodeAffected as Node; 
float x = node.BoundingRectangle.X; 
float y = node.BoundingRectangle.Y;             
void EventSink_PinPointChanged(PinPointChangedEventArgs evtArgs) 
Node node = evtArgs.NodeAffected as Node; 
float x = node.BoundingRectangle.X; 
float y = node.BoundingRectangle.Y; 
MessageBox.Show("X Value : " + x.ToString() + "\n" + "Y Value : " + y.ToString(), "Nodes Coordinates", MessageBoxButtons.OK); 
Naganathan K G 

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