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Conditional cell merging


I want to merge cells in both direction based on cell value like below example.

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
0 0 0 1
1 2
2 3
1 3 4
4 5

In Col2, row1 & row2 can be merged only if Col1 value is same. I tried to do this using mergeCellInfo event. Am able to merge row1 & row1 for Col1. AM not able to add the row3 to the already merged cell. What is the right approach to do this ? 


1 Reply

AS Alan Sangeeth S Syncfusion Team January 27, 2017 10:08 AM UTC

Hi Kumaran, 

To add a row to the already merged cell, traverse to the sibling element which has defined ‘rowSpan’ attribute and modify its value. Please refer the following code example. 
mergeCellInfo: function (args) { 
if (args.data.EmployeeID == 10005) { 
 if (args.column.field == "9:00" && args.data[args.column.field] == "Check Mail"){ 
  var cellEle =getParentElement($(args.cell)); 
   var rowSpan = cellEle.attr("rowSpan"); 
  cellEle.attr("rowSpan", ++rowSpan); 
        function getParentElement(cell) { 
            var index = cell.index(); 
            var cellEle = cell.closest("tr").prev("tr").find("td").eq(index); 
            if (cellEle.hasClass("e-hide")) 
                return getParentElement(cellEle); 
                return cellEle; 

For your convenience, we have created a sample and the same be downloaded from below location 

Alan Sangeeth S 

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