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Range Pointer covers labels

I would love to set up a guage with an animated range pointer, but when I set this up, the range pointer will overlap the labels and tick marks, which I cannot do, so as of now I am forced to use a non-animated range for display.

I am using xaml to set this up.

I am attaching a png of the gauge in the zip file.

Attachment: GaugeIssue_5f8f884c.zip

4 Replies

SP Subburaj Pandian Veluchamy Syncfusion Team January 25, 2017 07:27 AM UTC

Hi Seymen, 
Thank you for your interest in Syncfusion products. 
Based on the provided information we have checked your requirement with CirculraGauge RangePointer not to overlap with the Scale labels in Xamarin Forms and it can be achievable. By setting RGBA value to the RangePointer Color with the required alpha value, you can achieve your requirement. You can also change the Scale label offset with the Labeloffset property (RangePointer and Range Offset as well). Please refer the below code example, 
rangePointer.Color = Color.FromRgba(0, 1, 0, 0.5); // reduced opacity 
scale.LabelOffset = 0.1;  
We have also prepared simple sample based on your requirement, please find the below sample, 
If the given solution doesn’t meet your requirement, could you please revert to us by modifying the provided sample with more information about your query? It will be helpful for us to analyze on it and provide you a better solution. 

Subburaj Pandian V. 

BG bg January 25, 2017 08:45 AM UTC

Can  you check this question? I need to know if this feature exists or not before acquiring the license: https://www.syncfusion.com/forums/xamarin.forms/sfchart/128471

SE Seymen Ertas January 25, 2017 05:39 PM UTC

Changing the alpha will work somewhat but not to the level of quality I was looking for. My labels are black, and I would love the range to be a rich green. If I add an alpha, because the color behind the range is lighter, the range pointer will be a light green and not the true color I want. I feel like there should be some sort of z index or something.

As for moving the labels, they must stay where they are. I can for now just use a range scale and keep it static but would love somehow for the range pointer to not cover the labels.

SG Swathi Gopal Syncfusion Team January 26, 2017 01:56 PM UTC

Hi Seyman,

Query 1: Regarding Forum 128471

You can please follow up with the respected Forum to know about your requirement.

Query 2: Regarding Range Pointer cover labels

We have analyzed your requirement. As per our implementation in CircularGauge, Range Pointer layer will be over the labels and ticks. Currently we don’t have support to customize the range pointer to place over or beneath the labels and ticks in CircularGauge. We are validating regarding this and implement this feature in any of our upcoming release. We appreciate your patience until then.

Swathi G

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