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Wrong suggesion items when using custom ItemTemplate

Hi there, 

I am using SFAutoComplete control on my iOS project and it is working great except when I set custom ItemTemplate. After I set custom ItemTemplate the filtering doesn't work as expected, it starts showing wrong suggesion items. For example I am searching 34011 and when I enter 34 autocomplete shows correct list of suggesions, but when I enter 340 or 3401 it shows correct item with some random items. If I don't set custom template for ItemTemplate property everything works as expected. Here is my code without ItemTemplate:
          Text="{Binding OEMPart}"          
          DataSource="{Binding OemAutoCompleteSource}"          
          Watermark="Part Number"
          TextSize="{x:Static local:PlatformDependentValue.AutoCompleteFontSize}"
          DropDownTextSize="{x:Static local:PlatformDependentValue.AutoCompleteFontSize}"          

Thanks in advance

1 Reply

PK Pavendhan Kumar Syncfusion Team January 23, 2017 11:43 AM UTC

Hi Khasan,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

Query: AutoComplete suggestion shows random items

We were unable to reproduce the reported issue at our end. And we have prepared a sample for your convenience please download the same from the following link.

Link: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/128420/ze/AutoCompleteItemTemplate652433197 

Please modify the sample and revert back to us to reproduce the reported issue.

Pavendhan K

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