Custom Theme — Dashboard Viewer and its widgets can be customized with different background, foreground, and icon colors through JavaScript programming.
Mobile Responsiveness — Dashboard Viewer can be opened in phones with mobile responsiveness due to its widgets re-flowing.
SDK for JavaScript frameworks and platforms added — Embed dashboards using JavaScript frameworks like Aurelia, Angular JS, Angular 2, and TypeScript in Web applications and in platforms like ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, PHP, and UWP using wrappers.
Improved Expression editor — Syncfusion Dashboard Designer now provides improved expression editor with Intellisense support for creating and editing calculated fields easily.
On-demand connection string change — Syncfusion Dashboard Designer now offers an ability to change the connection string and to retain the configured dashboard while opening a dashboard with invalid connection string.
Improved table tree view and memory optimization — Table tree view is now optimized to handle databases with a large number of tables. Memory optimization has also been made when handling a large number of data sources and widgets.
Palette Support — Chart widget's fill colors can be customized using palette support through designer.
100% Stacked Series — Introduced 100% stacked column, 100% stacked bar, and 100% stacked area chart widget types.
Custom Relative Dates Support in Date Picker — Any date range can be set as relative range in Date Picker.
Column Binding Support in start and end range value of Gauge — Any measure column can be set as start and end range of the Gauge widget.
Option to handle overlapping axis labels — Options provided to hide or trim the overlapping axis labels.
Stacked series segment wise data labels — Provided support to display data labels for segments in stacked series.
Hover effect for Card Widget — Mouse Hover effect has been provided for cards when displayed in series.
Schema Retention on Reconnect — Retain schema information (like existing joining, initial filter settings, expression fields, etc.) while reconnecting with the same structured database using code view for Microsoft SQL Server connection.
Apply Top 'N' or Bottom 'N' filtering in DateTime column based on DateTime format — Provides support to get the most recently updated Top 'N' or Bottom 'N' records of DateTime column based on DateTime format.
Text Document (Data Source) — Text document can be provided as input to our dashboard, which supports separators like commas, semicolons, spaces and tabs.
Extending CSV Separator — Apart from comma separators, semicolons, spaces and tabs are also now supported in CSV documents which are one of the data sources for Dashboard Designer.
OAuth enabled Data Connection Support — Our dashboard now supports connecting to a few popular OAuth authentication-enabled service providers (for example: Facebook, Twitter, etc…)
Provided support for using PostgreSQL as the underlying database.
Provided support for using Azure Active Directory Federation (AD FS) authentication provider, enabling users to use Single Sign On with their Microsoft accounts.
Enabled the option to apply the required filters and save the current state of the dashboard as views for future access.
Enabled exporting dashboards to PDF and Excel file formats.
Users can now create shared data sources and associate with any dashboard within the Dashboard Server application.
Added RESTful API support for Users and Groups.
Users can now view their access permission list for all available entities in the Dashboard Server application, including dashboards, data sources, widgets, and schedules.
New and improved user experience for the Dashboard Server.
New utility to back up data and resources from the Dashboard Server application.