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XLSIO - Category Axis Labels On Tick Marks


I have been unable to find the basic chart setting where the category axis labels (x-asis) are placed on the tick marks themselves instead of between tick marks, see illustrations below. In Excel 2016 this option is under Axis Options-->Axis Position-->On Tick Marks. Is this possible? I am using a line chart as an example in my code. Thank you!

Between tick marks (default)
Dec       Jan          Feb

On tick marks (desired)
         Dec        Jan       Feb

2 Replies

EC Eric Castillo January 17, 2017 03:01 PM UTC

Hi, just a note that despite my best efforts, the illustrations below did not come out as planned. But hopefully any potential responders know what I'm talking about.

SS Sridhar Sukumar Syncfusion Team January 18, 2017 11:45 AM UTC

Hi Eric, 
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
Yes, you can change the axis label position by using PrimaryCategoryAxis.IsBetween property in XlsIO. Please refer the following code example to achieve this. 
Code snippet: 
chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.IsBetween = false; 
Please let us know if you have any concern. 
Sridhar S. 

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