Davis Jebaraj
Syncfusion Team
April 13, 2004 01:54 PM UTC
Hi Arun,
The ChartControl can export to a image using the Draw method that takes a Image object (as illustrated in the sample linked to below)
However, the ExcelRW library does not yet have the capability to programatically embed images. Your requirments will be possible when this feature is added to the ExcelRW libary. This feature should be added around the end of this month.
We regret for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience.
Arun Balakrishnan
April 13, 2004 02:53 PM UTC
Thanks for your prompt answer.
On working with the Chart-Excel example that you gave me, it seems that the only way to do it is to have the chart on a seperate sheet of the Excel workbook.
Is there a way to embed the chart in an existing worksheet i.e Below the grid containing the chart data rather than having a new sheet each time.
Also is there a way we can adjust the chart height, width etc to have multiple charts on a single sheet?
Thanks in advance
Davis Jebaraj
Syncfusion Team
April 13, 2004 03:46 PM UTC
Hi Arun,
Placing a Chart object inside a worksheet is similar to placing/embedding an image inside a worksheet with respect to the ExcelRW library. Hence, embedding a chart in a worksheet will also be possible only after the "embedding" support is added to the ExcelRW library.
Arun Balakrishnan
April 13, 2004 04:14 PM UTC
Thanks for your response.
I will look forward to the release that allows for embedding of charts in worksheets
>Hi Arun,
>Placing a Chart object inside a worksheet is similar to placing/embedding an image inside a worksheet with respect to the ExcelRW library. Hence, embedding a chart in a worksheet will also be possible only after the "embedding" support is added to the ExcelRW library.
May 20, 2004 11:41 PM UTC
I am still waiting to see Syncfusion Charts (and images) positioned over an area of the Syncfusion Grid. (not restricted to cells, covered or not)
Is this capability something that is scheduled?
Syncfusion Team
May 25, 2004 09:29 AM UTC
Hi Greg,
It would be much easier if you would restrict the bitmap to be contained in a cell or covered cell.
If you just want to draw a bitmap over the grid, then you have to derive the grid and override OnPaint. After calling the basecalass, draw what you want to draw.
Here is a KB article:
It uses DrawString, but you could use DrawImage to draw a bitmap.
Jay N
July 13, 2004 12:07 PM UTC
Yes, Jay, it would be much easier to not accomplish what I want. ;-)
We already override the onPaint for drawing bitmaps, etc. into grid cells. What is needed is for the grid to handle a window positioned at an x,y offset to a cell, and overlaying all grid cells until clipped by the grid scrollbars or top and left margin. It would also be great if this was supported in printing and preview as well. (btw, we use the virtual grid)
This functionality would allow me to overlay a chart or picture just like Excel does. Without it, my product looks pitifully inferior to those capabilities to which people are accustomed. Forcing a chart within (and replacing the data of the cells) a grid boundary is arguably little better over forcing the chart to be on a separate worksheet tab.
I am sure that many other customers would want sticky window overlay functionality without having to handle all of the work entailed with customization. I actually assumed that this functionality would exist in a Suite in which the Grid interacted with the Chart.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no advantage to using SF''s Chart with SF''s Grid, as opposed to using any other Charting program on the market and rigging them together.
Please address this deficiency so that you will have synergistic value across your product Suite to help drive sales and product loyalty, and I will have a click-easy implementation.
Syncfusion Team
July 13, 2004 10:18 PM UTC
Hi Greg,
Attached is the modified sample that
overrides the Onpaint to have a bitmap image that would scroll with the grid.
Thanks for your comments regarding the Grid -Chart compatibility. We haven''t decided these scenarios yet. We will try to work on these soon.
Best Regards,
Jay N
July 19, 2004 01:44 PM UTC
That''s a nice sample, Jay. Thanks.
Good Luck on getting this functionality "in the box."