Hi Sellakumar:
I have this code in my ASP.NET Core view:
<ej-schedule id="Schedule1" width="100z%" height="525px" show-quick-window="false" current-date="DateTime.Now"
create="onCreate" appointment-window-open="onAppointmentOpen">
<e-appointment-settings id="Id" subject='"Subject"' start-time='"StartTime"' end-time='"EndTime"'
all-day='"AllDay"' recurrence='"Recurrence"' recurrence-rule='"RecurrenceRule"'>
<e-datamanager url="Home/GetData" crud-url="Home/Batch" adaptor="UrlAdaptor"></e-datamanager>
But when the new appointment is posted to the action method, the time changes with an offset of UTC +5
Also I tested with assignning the property with jquery and I get the same result.
What else could I try.
Appreciate all your help.