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expand/collapse column with click on cell


I'm looking for a solution to cover the following requirements:

The initial SfDataGrid looks like

After click (or double click) on "Summary A" the four columns "Type A 1-1", "Type A 1-2", "Type A 2-1" and "Type A 2-2" will be expanded

As you can see, there are 3 StackedHeaderRows with "Item", "Group" and "Type/Comment"

After click on "Summary B" the same will happen with "Type B 1-1", ...

Than each "Type"-column can be expanded with click. 

See the grid after click on "Type A 1-2"

Or after clicks on "Type A 2-2", "Type B 1-1", "Type B 1-2" and "Type B 2-2"

Or after clicks on all "Type"-columns

Further clicks on the same cell should lead to collapsed columns.

I've already tried a lot of experiments, so it would be great, if you could help with a sample. 
Please implement also the fore- and background colors.


3 Replies

HB Harald Betzler December 8, 2016 07:08 PM UTC

I think the embedded images won't appear correctly.

Please find attached screenshots

Attachment: screenshots_ba251df7.zip

HB Harald Betzler December 8, 2016 08:37 PM UTC

An additional requirement is the fact, that the number of Items ("Item A", "Item B", and so on) is dynamic.
So the columns need to be generated by AutoGenerateColumns="True".

JG Jai Ganesh S Syncfusion Team December 9, 2016 09:05 AM UTC

Hi Harald, 
We have analyzed your query and we cannot achieve your requirement using SfDataGrid. However, you can achieve this by using PivotGrid. 
Jai Ganesh S 

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