We're currently using the ReportViewer from the Product Syncfusion EssentialStudio , and we're running into some dificulties trying to have Per Page Sums on the Page Footer, for the currently displayed Tablix Details.
When we try to set a column with the Expression:
The total is from all pages.
When we try to set in the Footer a TextBox with the Expression:
="Page Total: " + Sum(ReportItems!Price.Value)
The sum is always zero.
When we try to set in the Footer a TextBox with the Expression:
="Running Total: " + CStr(Last(ReportItems!RunningTotal.Value))
An exception is thrown rendering the report:
{"errmsg":"An error occurred while processing the report item 'Textbox80' and Sequence contains no elements\n StackTrace: \n at Syncfusion.RDL.Data.ReportModelContentCollection.Evaluate()\r\n at Syncfusion.RDL.Data.ReportModel.Evaluate()\n","pgmodel":{"PageData":null,"PaperHeight":0.0,"PaperWidth":0.0,"MarginLeft":0.0,"MarginTop":0.0,"MarginRight":0.0,"MarginBottom":0.0,"TotalPages":0},"pgsetting":{"PaperHeight":1122.519713888207,"PaperWidth":793.700787411,"MarginLeft":0.0,"MarginTop":0.0,"MarginRight":0.0,"MarginBottom":0.0},"isDocumentMap":false}
The exception is coherent with the first failure, because no elements seem to be retrieved, so the SUM is always 0.
Are these unsupported features of the ReportViewer ?
Best Regards,
Fernando Nunes