i have some problems with showing appointments in the MonthView.
I used this code to create recurrence appointments:
ScheduleAppointmentCollection appointmentCollection = new ScheduleAppointmentCollection();
ScheduleAppointment clientMeeting = new ScheduleAppointment();
DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2016, 11, 11, 10, 0, 0);
DateTime endTime = new DateTime(2016, 11, 11, 12, 0, 0);
clientMeeting.StartTime = startTime;
clientMeeting.EndTime = endTime;
clientMeeting.Color = Color.Red;
clientMeeting.Subject = "ClientMeeting";
clientMeeting.IsRecursive = true;
RecurrenceProperties recurrenceProperties = new RecurrenceProperties();
recurrenceProperties.IsDailyEveryNDays = true;
recurrenceProperties.DailyNDays = 2;
recurrenceProperties.IsRangeRecurrenceCount = true;
recurrenceProperties.IsRangeNoEndDate = false;
recurrenceProperties.IsRangeEndDate = false;
recurrenceProperties.RangeRecurrenceCount = 20;
recurrenceProperties.RecurrenceRule = DependencyService.Get<IRecurrenceBuilder>().RRuleGenerator(recurrenceProperties, clientMeeting.StartTime, clientMeeting.EndTime);
clientMeeting.RecurrenceRule = recurrenceProperties.RecurrenceRule;
sfschedule.DataSource = appointmentCollection;
sfschedule.ScheduleView = ScheduleView.MonthView;
After starting the App November 2016 is shown in MonthView and all Appointments are visible.
When I switch to Dezember 2016 there are no Appointments in MonthView.
After switching to January 2017 and than back to November 2016 just the first Appointment (at 2016, 11, 11) is shown.