//Background color of Chart
background: "#FFFF00",
border: {
//Background and border opacity of Chart. Default value is 0.3
opacity: 1
//Other chart options
}); |
I would like to set the chart background to match the containing div background
I have tried background-color : transparent and opacity :1 but the default white background is still showing
<div id="container" style="background:dodgerblue; border: 2px solid black;height:400px;width:500px"></div> $("#container").ejChart( { background:'dodgerblue', border:{opacity:1},size: { height: "350", width:"450" }, }); |
To change color schemes, switch to a different theme. In Excel, click Page Layout, click the Colors button, and then pick the color scheme you want or create your own theme colors.
Hi Kevin,
We have built-in themes for chart control. You can change the theme color for chart dynamically using chart theme property. Please check with the below documentation link.
UG : https://help.syncfusion.com/js/chart/appearance#built-in-themes
API : https://help.syncfusion.com/api/js/ejchart#members:theme
Please revert us if you have any concerns.
Durga Gopalakrishnan.