Hi Bikram,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
We can achieve your reported scenario in two ways which is given below.
1. CSG Tool.
2. Referring individual script file in sample
1) CSG Tool: We can use the Custom Script Generator(CSG) tool for script file generation instead of using the “ej.web.all.min.js”. Custom Script Generator (CSG) tool to create a single file that packs together only the required scripts and CSS files together. So that you can generate the required script file for the specific controls and hence it will reduce the loading time. Please find the below references.
Please find the required dependencies below.
Kindly select the above listed dependency in CSG Tool in order to render RTE.
2) Referring individual script file in sample
We can achieve your reported scenario by referring individual script file in sample which is given like the below code.
Please find the required dependencies below.
Kindly refer the above listed file in the sample in order to render RTE.
Please let us know if you have any queries.