I've got a SfDataGrid which is data bound to an ObservableCollection of Entity Framework items.
When I add a new row and load the Entity Framework items again* an error message pops up:
Message=Das Objekt des Typs "DataLayer.EntitiesDB.SequenceEditorItem" kann nicht in Typ "System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.SequenceEditorItem_5090EDC7CFDC945E13DBDF0872CAB31598B97FE519E86F7BE4466D584C2402D6" umgewandelt werden. HResult=-2147467262System.InvalidCastException was unhandled
* Database.Hardware.Load();
hardwareViewSource.Source = Database.Hardware.Local;
Using the common MS DataGrid this does not happen. Furthermore Database.SaveChanges() does not solve the problem. What can be the reason for this?
I'm using VS2015, .NET4.6.1, EF6.1.3