I'm using the latest version of Syncfusion controls. I've a grid with dialog edit template with field validations. When i try to update a required field with empty value, it displays the validation error as expected but it also throws a javascript exception in console and the validation error message doesn't hide after typing the content again in that field.
Additional Info:
I've included the jquery v2.1.4 and jquery validation v1.14 plugins.
Error Message:
ej.grid.min.js Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined
Occurs in grid.js line 28809:
_renderValidator: function(i, r) {
var l, w, v, d, g, nt;
if (r.is(":hidden") && (r = r.siblings("input:visible")),
r.length) {
var f = r.closest(".e-rowcell")
, e = n(i).addClass("e-error")
, y = t.buildTag("div.e-errortail e-toparrow")
, u = t.isNullOrUndefined(this.getContent().data("ejScroller")) ? null : this.getScrollObject()
, p = 0;
f = f.length ? f : f = r.closest("td");
r.parent().hasClass("e-in-wrap") ? e.insertAfter(r.closest(".e-widget")) : e.insertAfter(r);
l = this.model.scrollSettings.frozenRows > 0 && this._currentTrIndex >= this.model.scrollSettings.frozenRows ? !0 : !1;
w = l ? "append" : "prepend";
this.model.allowScrolling && (u && u._hScrollbar || u._vScrollbar) ? (f.addClass("e-validError"),
p = u._hScrollbar ? u._hScrollbar.element[0].offsetTop : 0) : f.removeClass("e-validError");
var o = f.offset().top + f[0].offsetHeight + i[0].offsetHeight
, a = !1
, b = u && u._hScrollbar ? u._hScrollbar.model.height : 0;
if ((u && u.isHScroll() && o > p || o > this.getContent()[0].offsetTop + this.getContent().find(".e-content").height()) && (a = !0),
this.model.enableRTL ? this.model.editSettings.editMode != "dialog" && e.offset({
top: r.offset().top + r.height()
}) : this.model.editSettings.editMode != "dialog" && e.offset({
left: r.offset().left,