.Datasource(ds => ds.Json((IEnumerable<object>)ViewBag.dataSource).InsertURL("/Grid/PerformInsert")
<script type="text/javascript">
function querycellinfo(args) {
if (args.column.field == "TotalPrice") {
$(args.cell).text(args.data.EmployeeID * args.data.Freight);//For display purpose
</script> |
ALTER TABLE dbo.OrderTables DROP COLUMN TotalPrice;
ALTER TABLE dbo.OrderTables ADD TotalPrice AS (EmployeeID * Freight ); |
TotalPrice: <input id="TotalFreight" type="text" width="200" />
.Columns(col =>
<script type="text/javascript">
var total = 0;
function databound(args) {
total = ej.sum(this.model.dataSource.dataSource.json, "TotalPrice");
function actioncomplete(args) {
if (args.requestType == "save" || args.requestType == "delete") {
total = ej.sum(this.model.dataSource.dataSource.json, "TotalPrice"); // here we have calculated summary for whole dataSource , if you want to display summary for current page only means use
this. model.currentViewData
</script> |