I generated a script that includes ejSpreadsheet using the custom script generator. When including it statically using a script tag in an HTML file it worked fine, but when lazily loading it from JS code (creating a script element, setting its src attribute and appending it to the document body) it failed on wd.init is not a function
. When debugging it turned out that in the case of lazily loaded script, the function that calls wd.init() runs before wd.init is defined (because it's wrapped in a shorthand of "document ready" callback $(function(){...}), and the document is already ready then). I moved wd.init and the functions it calls to before that function and that resolved the issue. The order of function definitions that worked for me is:
the complete rearranged code chunk is:
var initControls = function (controls, op, name, proto, map, dir) {
var types = proto.dataTypes, len = controls.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var control = controls.eq(i), model = {};
iterateAndSetModel(model, readAttributes(control, op, name), map, types);
var findElements = function (name, op, el, proto) {
var query = [], controlName = name.replace("ej", '').toLowerCase(), res = {};
if (op.dataRole === true) {
query.push("[data-role='" + name.toLowerCase() + "']");
if (op.ejRole === true) {
query.push("[ej-" + controlName + "]");
res["role"] = el.find(query.join(','));
if (op.directive === true) {
res["directive"] = findAndChangeTag(el.find(controlName), (proto.validTags && proto.validTags[0]) || "div", controlName, el);
return res;
var checkUnobtrusive = function (name, proto, op, el) {
var controls = findElements(name, op, el, proto), map = propMaps[name];
if (((controls.role && controls.role.length) || (controls.directive && controls.directive.length)) && !map) {
propMaps[name] = map = generatePropMap(proto.defaults);
if (proto._unobtrusive)
$.extend(true, map, proto._unobtrusive);
initControls(controls.role, op, name, proto, map);
if (controls.directive)
initControls(controls.directive, op, name, proto, map, true);
wd.init = function (element) {
if (!element) element = $(document);
else element = element.jquery ? element : $(element);
var widgets = wd.registeredWidgets;
for (var name in widgets) {
checkUnobtrusive(widgets[name].name, widgets[name].proto, options, element);
$(function () {
var ds = $(document.body).data();
options.ejRole = ds.hasOwnProperty("ejrole") ? readBoolAttr(ds, "ejrole") : options.ejRole;
options.directive = ds.hasOwnProperty("directive") ? readBoolAttr(ds, "directive") : options.directive;
if (options.ejRole !== true && options.directive !== true) options.dataRole = true;
options.dataRole = ds.hasOwnProperty("datarole") ? readBoolAttr(ds, "datarole") : options.dataRole;
if (options.ejRole !== true && options.dataRole !== true && options.directive !== true)
wd.autoInit = ds.hasOwnProperty("autoinit") ? readBoolAttr(ds, "autoinit") : true;
if (wd.autoInit !== true)
var query = [], el;
if (options.dataRole === true)
if (options.ejRole === true)
el = $(query.join(','));
if (!el.length) el = $(document);