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Undefined Percentage Values in Calculated Column in PivotGrid Control in ASP.NET MVC


I am using a calculated column in the PivotGrid in ASP.NET MVC and have several issues:

1) When using a percentage format the calculation is displaying "NaN.00 %" in situations where the values in the computation are undefined. How can I get a nice blank value to display (note - it seems to be an issue with the percentage format as without the percentage format a blank is displayed) ?
2) When using a percentage format I have to multiple the percentage by 100 to get the correct number to display - why is this?
3) Really just a question - is there any documentation on what can be put into a formula?

BTW Incident #157635 was opened where this feature was added to the PivotGrid. Unfortunately, I couldn't get around to testing the feature once you all added it as I was busy on other activities.  Other than the above issues, I really like the functionality.

I have the computed column defined as follows:
    fieldName: "SlippagePercent",
    fieldCaption: "Slippage %",
    isCalculatedField: true,
    formula: "100 * SlippageAmount / FillAmount",
    format: "percentage"

Regards, Jeff

1 Reply

SP Sastha Prathap Selvamoorthy Syncfusion Team July 18, 2016 09:02 AM UTC

Hi Jeffrey, 

Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 

Please find the response below. 

1) When using a percentage format the calculation is displaying "NaN.00 %" in situations where the values in the computation are undefined. How can I get a nice blank value to display (note - it seems to be an issue with the percentage format as without the percentage format a blank is displayed) ? 
We have created an incident to log an issue report on behalf of you. Our support engineer will assist you through incident. We request you to follow with the incident for further details.
2) When using a percentage format I have to multiple the percentage by 100 to get the correct number to display - why is this? 
3) Really just a question - is there any documentation on what can be put into a formula? 
Please find the below documentation link for your reference. 

Sastha Prathap S. 

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