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Resizing of the last column

I'm having trouble resizing the last column of a grid.  Are you not allowed to resize it?

3 Replies

VA Venkatesh Ayothi Raman Syncfusion Team July 18, 2016 11:17 AM UTC

Hi Phu, 

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We were unable to reproduce the issue at our end and created a sample for your convenience. Please refer to the sample, 

If you still face the same issue, then could you please share the following details? 
1)      Essential Studio version and browser details. 
2)      Scenario for replication procedure. 
3)      Does any script error throw in console window? If so, provide screenshot. 
4)      Provide Grid code example. 
5)      If possible to modify the Given sample as issue reproducible. 

Venkatesh Ayothiraman. 

PT Phu Trieu July 18, 2016 04:12 PM UTC

I can't increase the size of the last column.

VA Venkatesh Ayothi Raman Syncfusion Team July 19, 2016 01:52 PM UTC

Hi Phu, 

Thank you for the update. 

Increase the size of last column is not a behavior of ejGrid. Because if we increase the last column size then Grid width also increase and we can adjust the columns within the Grid Size. So, last column resizing has some limitation. The limitation is, we can only decrease and adjust the size of the last column.  
Now, column resizing behavior has been changed. In older version when we resize the column, all other will be adjusted. In latest version current column and next column alone be adjusted. We have added this breaking changes in release notes and check the following link for more information, 

Venkatesh Ayothiraman. 

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